miercuri, 22 iulie 2009

U2 - 360 Tour (Paris)

Cred ca aveam 16 sau 18 ani cand am inceput sa fiu fan U2 si sa o vad ca trupa cea mai mare care a fost vreodata, iar pe Bono ca pe un „prieten” ale carui „sfaturi” din cantece incercam sa le urmez.
In Alaska timp de 4 luni mergand in fiecare zi pe bicicleta la serviciu, ii ascultam pedaland prin ploaie si vedeam lumea in verde si albastru - cum zice un cantec de-al lor - chiar daca afara era totul vested din cauza frigului...
E interesant cum imi raman in minte unele versuri create de ei, precum: „...Every men needs a women like a fish needs a bicycle…” , “Love is not an easy thing/ The only baggage you can bring/Is all that you can't leave behind” sau “Your wheels are turning but you’re upside down” si alte zeci pe care le am in minte...I know a girl, who’s like a sea... I watch her changing…every day for me...She said infinity’s a great place to start...Time is irrelevant...is not linear...You're on the road/ But you've got no destination/ you’re in the mud/ in the maze of her imagination…I was born…I was born to be with you...I didn’t have a choice...It’s not if I believe in love...but if love believes in me...Only love can leave such a mark...Only love can heal such a scar... Magnificient...You love this town/ Even if that doesn't ring true/ You've been all over/ And it's been all over you…Teach me now...I know I am not a hopeless case...See the world in green and blue...See (U2) right in front of you...It was a beautiful day...
Beautiful day...

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